How Can Birds Help You?

Studies show that spending time in nature has benefits. After time listening to birds, your perspective can improve. You may even be able to clarify your problems and think of helpful solutions.

Don’t believe me?

Read this article from Psychology Today.

The following ideas may increase your opportunities to listen to the birds:

  • Step Outside or Open a Window
    I am blessed to hear many birds simply by stepping outside or opening a window. Our family hobby involves bird-watching. Our strategy in the fall is to supply them with seed so they’ll stop by for a visit. When the ground is frozen and/or covered with snow, the hungry birds are very grateful for a well-stocked feeder. We keep it filled through spring so we hear their mating calls and see their plumage change. But you don’t have to feed them if you have deciduous trees nearby. They’re already in residence.
  • Take advantage of what your area offers
    Many cities have nature trails and city zoos with aviaries so you can visit tropical birds to hear their calls and songs.
  • An app for your phone may be useful
    If you’ve never listened to birds in your area before or if you have no clue about individual calls and songs, try an app. Type: Merlin app into your computer’s browser. Choose the appropriate download for your phone. My husband is happy with his choice from Cornell Lab.
  • Use an Audubon Guide
    Audubon has a Guide to North American birds with their sounds available on their website. Click on the bird you want. Scroll down the page to the bird recordings. Click on your choice and listen.
  • Get the Kids Involved – Make a Game
    Even if you’re bed-ridden, you can listen to bird calls and songs. Perhaps your children or grandchildren can bring up various birds on computers or phones for you if you need help. Listening to birds can be a good activity for togetherness. Make a game of it. Take turns identifying: Who’s that bird?

So there you have it. Several ways you and your children can enjoy nature and improve your outlook on life together.

Give it a try. Tell me how it works out for you. Use the comments box below.

Last details, if the link above to the Psychology Today article fails, here’s the full link:

Also, here’s the full URL for the Audubon bird guide:

Still have problems? Copy and paste either URL in your browser.

Until next time . . . Travel Light,

© 2024 SuZan Klassen – All Rights Reserved

4 thoughts on “How Can Birds Help You?

  1. The birds I feed are a delight to me. Chickadees, cardinals, robins, blue jays, doves, sparrows, and an occasional hawk. The variety of their colors and personalities reminds me of the creative genius of God.

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