How Can Birds Help You?

Studies show that spending time in nature has benefits. After time listening to birds, your perspective can improve. You may even be able to clarify your problems and think of helpful solutions. Don’t believe me? Read this article from Psychology Today. The following ideas may increase your opportunities to listen to the birds: Step Outside … More How Can Birds Help You?

Today I Grieved

I sat in our truck while my hubby ran into the grocery store. Several women walked to their cars. How easily they moved. One in particular caught my attention. She swung several large bags of groceries from her cart to her truck. Such strength. Such fluid ease. I used to be able to do what … More Today I Grieved

WordPress Problems

It has come to my attention that some of my followers do not receive email notification when I post a new blog post. My tech wizard stated: “Whenever WordPress makes an update it seems to cause problems.” When I asked WordPress about this particular issue, they sent the list below. Some of the items are … More WordPress Problems

NEW Problems

A large hospital near me built a new add-on to one of their buildings. Moving large equipment to the new facility went smoothly. However, since the doors won’t open for several more weeks they ordered a mobile unit so PET scans can continue. Only one problem with their plan—the mobile unit has been nothing but … More NEW Problems

What in the World?

“Look!” I pointed out the car window. A small herd of camels galloped across the hills. We were traveling east on Interstate 70 near Topeka, Kansas. What in the world were camels doing running wild in Kansas? I thought of that incident when I saw the cover of: Once Upon a Camel by Kathi Appelt, … More What in the World?

Blessed Resurrection

This week is Holy Week for many of the world’s Christians. From tonight’s Maunday Thursday, through Good Friday and on to the celebration of Christ’s Resurrection on Sunday, these are important days for the church. Some countries target Christians for intense persecution at this time. Please pray for the protection of Christians. Pray also that … More Blessed Resurrection

What is Mean Mugging?

“Not here!” Someone yelled. But they were ignored. Guns drawn. Bullets spewed into the unsuspecting crowd. Following the happy celebration at the Chiefs Super Bowl parade, a tragedy unfolded. Those in authority seem reluctant to give out the whole story. Possibly because some involved were minors. But limited information has come to light. Someone gave … More What is Mean Mugging?

Why not . . . ?

…Cherish Simple Things Frost laced everything that morning. Late winter collided with early spring. Warm moist air. Cold surface. Winter’s last gasp and spring’s warm breath. I walked the girls to the bus stop. We left in plenty of time to stop along the way for a mini-adventure. At our feet lay a wonderland. Every … More Why not . . . ?